rigid heddle

Subscriber Exclusive

Marine Silk Scarf

Inspired by the SeaCell yarn she was sampling, Liz designed a simple, flowing scarf to explore the yarn's possibilities.

Weaving on the Weekends

Taking a project from design through sampling and then completion is slower when you weave only on the weekends.

A Little Handwoven Idiosyncrasy (and a Little Math)

Ever wonder about the weird fractions in Handwoven? Based on the mail we get, you are not alone.

Leave the What Ifs Behind: Loom Theory

Each Loom Theory is dedicated to a specific type of loom, either 4-shaft, rigid-heddle or 8-shaft loom.

Designing with Freeform Weaving

I am a knitter as well as a weaver, and I’ve developed a freeform weaving style that allows me to escape the constraints of knitting to create funky—and wearable—infinity scarves that use up the little bits of yarn that accumulate over time.

Yarn to Love Scarf

Sometimes a project is based on a vision of the finished piece. Other times, I simpy fall in love with a skein and build a project around its best features.

Weekend Weaving: Easy Street Napkins and Runner

A rigid-heddle pattern for napkins and a matching runner. It all adds up to a great weekend weaving project.

Ask Madelyn: Pros and Cons of Rigid Heddle vs Shaft Looms

I have a rigid heddle, but I've seen many other kinds of looms. What are differences between those looms and mine, besides size? What are the pros and cons?

Rigid-Heddle Loom Projects: Simple Elegance from Simple Looms

Learn how to creative amazing rigid heddle loom projects once your loom is warped with this FREE eBook that includes 3 free weaving projects & instructions!

February 2009 Scarf of the Month - Joe Sullins

Here's a rigid-heddle scarf pattern to download. Pick-up creates a waffle weave type pattern.